La idea es dividir la lista original en dos listas, A y B, de modo que ambas contengan aproximadamente la mitad de los números. La primera búsqueda genera todos los subconjuntos de A y almacena sus sumas en una lista
Por ejemplo, con la lista
ll X[2000005],Y[2000005];// global vectors
// Find all possible sum of elements of a[] and store in x[]
void calcsubarray(vector<ll> a, int n, int c) {
for (int i=0; i<(1<<n); ++i) {
ll s = 0;
for (int j=0; j<n; ++j) if (i & (1<<j)) s += a[j+c];
x[i] = s;
int main() {
vector<ll> a = {3, 34, 4, 12, 5, 2};
int n=a.size();
ll S = 10;
cout<<"Largest value smaller than or equal to given sum is"<< solveSubsetSum(a,n,S);
ll solveSubsetSum(vector<ll> a, int n, ll S) {
// Compute all subset sums of first and second halves
calcsubarray(a, X, n/2, 0); calcsubarray(a, Y, n-n/2, n/2);
int size_X = 1<<(n/2); int size_Y = 1<<(n-n/2);
// Sort Y (we need to do doing binary search in it)
sort(Y, Y+size_Y);
// To keep track of the maximum sum of a subset such that the maximum sum is less than S
ll max = 0;
// Traverse all elements of X and do Binary Search for a pair in Y with maximum sum less than S.
for (int i=0; i<size_X; ++i) {
if (X[i] <= S) {
// lower_bound() returns the first address which has value greater than or equal to S-X[i].
int p = lower_bound(Y, Y+size_Y, S-X[i]) - Y;
// If S-X[i] was not in array Y then decrease p by 1
if (p == size_Y || Y[p] != (S-X[i])) p--;
if ((Y[p]+X[i]) > max) max = Y[p]+X[i];
return max;
}// O(2^(n/2))